Home / VISA
If you are not sure whether you need a visa to enter Taiwan please check the website of the Bureau of Consular Affairs, MOFA, Taiwan( Link ). You may consider to contact the nearest office( Link ) and find out all the requirements.
If you require a formal invitation letter from OCPA10, please provide your full name, Institution, contact address with ZIP code, telephone number and e-mail address to Mr. Liu (ocpa2020@nchu.edu.tw or ocpa2020@gmail.com).
Mr. Andy Liu
Department of Physics and Institute of Nanoscience
Science Building, National Chung Hsing University
145 Xinda Road
Taichung, 40227, Taiwan
If you require a formal invitation letter from OCPA10, please provide your full name, Institution, contact address with ZIP code, telephone number and e-mail address to Mr. Liu (ocpa2020@nchu.edu.tw or ocpa2020@gmail.com).
Mr. Andy Liu
Department of Physics and Institute of Nanoscience
Science Building, National Chung Hsing University
145 Xinda Road
Taichung, 40227, Taiwan
請下載申請書,填妥後連同下述文件以電子郵件寄送給 Mr. Liu (ocpa2020@nchu.edu.tw or ocpa2020@gmail.com)貼心提醒:所需文件電子檔,除申請書外,其餘均必須是JPG檔案。
- 申請書 (如附件): 資料填寫齊全,第二頁要貼上個人照片, 中華人民共和國居民身分證正反面,親筆簽名及申報事項務必勾選(申請書請保持兩頁形式)
- 三個月內學生證或現職證明(檔案格式請用jpg)
- 最高學歷畢業證書(jpg)
如日期有異動,請提早兩日告知,需重新送交申請資料給相關單位。變更日期後,核准停留天數不變。 -
(直4.5公分,橫3.5公分,人像自頭頂至下顎之長度不得小於3.2公分或超過3.6公分,白色背景正面半身彩色照片) - 護照 (jpg)及大通證(jpg)
- 中華人民共和國居民身分證正反面 (jpg)
- CV (jpg & word 檔)
- 旅居海外的大陸人士,請附該國有效居留證正反面(jpg)